Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day one of a New Journey

So often I have heard the words, "that is SO funny, you really should write this stuff down", "you have had an amazing journey the last few years, you should write a book". I have pondered the idea of sharing my stories for some time.  What IF I wrote it all down. Would anyone read it? Would it be fun? Would I earn a new chorus of voices telling me how wrong I am or would I open up my world and find loving support? What would my husband say?

In order to take on an adventure like this, I have  prepared to be transparent, to let it all out in the open. A scary proposition for even the most secure of folk.  But, with a gentle nudging in my heart here goes.  Love me or leave me, I promise to be true to the events I share.

Five years ago my marriage was in jeopardy. My kids were not my priority, and success, money and power took center stage in my life.

Two years ago my husband and I faced foreclosure and bankruptcy in a prestigious suburb, I was unemployed and a bit scared.

Today, I am happily living on a small hobby farm with my husband and kids.  I am still unemployed, and my priorities have changed drastically. I wake up each day ready for what ever comes my way.  I am far from what the world would tell me is successful, but I think my life is perfect.

I hope that as we enter this journey together that the time you spend reading my words is of value to you. I hope that you find comfort in some of my stories, warnings in a few and inspiration in all of them.
