Saturday, June 23, 2012


Several years ago my most favorite guilty pleasure was watching the television show “Intervention”. I was always excited to see people go from the depths of despair to a full life of hope and healing. Most often, that is what would happen. The show would chronicle the life of an addict, an intervention would take place, recovery and then a reunion and update at the end. On occasion the addict would choose not to go to or to leave treatment early and the result was an unhappy ending.

Recent events at the farm and the current heated political environment have got me thinking about other forms of intervention. On Mothers Day, my friend called me while I was out lunching with my mom and sister. One of the young barn cats, 7months old, had just given birth and they had found 5 babies in 3 different areas of the barn. The mom was not interested in feeding a couple of the babies, so they had taken the one that was in the worst shape with them and were driving to the feed store to buy some kitten formula. Upon hearing the news, we cut our outing short and I returned to the farm.

Over the next few days I would spend countless hours trying to entice the mom to nurse her babies, for those she would not nurse I was bottle feeding them. The mom would randomly move the kittens around the hayloft and I would struggle to get to them when they would cry for food. Slowly and one by one they started to die. After the first two deaths, I took the remaining 3 kittens into the house.  They were very sick with pneumonia and were struggling to breathe. I spent the next two weeks medicating, feeding, and cleaning the kittens. Two more would suffer deaths by suffocation as I could not get a handle on the illness. At one point, I was holding a dying kitten begging my husband to help me end its life as it was suffering so much. My husband refused to help me saying, “You got involved, you have to see this thing through.”  He was right. I had gotten involved. I had chosen to interrupt the nature of life for these kittens. Had I made a good decision? After two more kittens had passed and I had spent countless hours researching feline illness and talking with the Carver Scott humane society, I had one kitten that was thriving. She was doing great! She was eating, sleeping, breathing, pooping and playing with my kids. For 3 weeks she thrived.

Then out of nowhere, she choked on something. Food, litter, I don’t know, but within a matter of minutes of my return from a baseball game, she was dead.  I had fed her right before I left, and she was fine and only three breaths after I picked her up on my return and she was dead.  Really!?!? Why did this happen?  I could only sit and stare at her thinking about the number of hours we had spend giving her care and attention, only to have her die too. 

In the hours that followed, I tried to make sense of all that we had gone through. I kept coming back to the same question, “Should I have gotten involved?” Should I have just left the kittens in the barn and let nature take its course? The end result was the same. What difference had it made?

In my quiet moments, the whisper I heard in response was this, “The end result was in fact the same, but the journey was very different.” These kittens died in our arms, not on a cold barn floor. They felt warmth and love, and kindness and kisses. They experienced the love and giggles of children who marveled at their existence. They were not alone.

As I listen to the world around me and hear people’s ideology about when to help others and in what manner, I am always stunned by those who don’t want to “get involved” in “taking care” of others. Those who believe they have it all figured out and know exactly how we and our government should or should not help our fellow citizens. Aid, or no aid, welfare, or no welfare, I have no idea as to what we should or should not do. But I do know this. Regardless of the outcome, the world at large is better when we unite and create a community around those who are suffering, sick or in need.  So title me however you want politically, but as for me, I will always choose to get involved. I believe that is what God wants us to do.

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