Saturday, December 22, 2012


As Christmas approaches and 2012 draws to a close I like many of you are finding myself ever reflecting on the time that has come and gone. Recent events in our world at large have only served to further that desire to remember what is dear.

This year my six year old daughter started riding her horse on her own, and I now know what it feels like to let your heart take a walk outside of your body as mine did when she turned her pony away from me and set off on her own. I'm quite sure it was one of those moments meant to prepare me for the future times ahead when she will leave my side to forge new paths...It is an interesting paradox to be so excited and so terrified at the same time.

I love learning about new things and this year I spent a lot of time learning about Poultry! Yes, I knew a little bit before, but new opportunities were given to me to become far more versed in this topic. From leading several 4H workshops about the topic, to even being a judge at the Sibley County Fair, it seems as though I am meant to be an expert. I had to giggle when an employee at the 4H office recently referred to me as the "Chicken Lady!", talk about a change from the past when my best known asset was my affinity for CHANEL!

Last February I took on the daunting task of hatching my own ducklings. What a fun and scary challenge that was! I am really looking forward to hatching more this spring from our trio of Khaki Campbell adult ducks. There is something very special about bringing in new life to the world, even if it is just a duck! This next year we will be expanding our flock to include Pekin ducks and Pilgrim Geese! We will also be adding meat chickens to our current group of laying hens. My husband has started to hone his butchering skills, and we are finding ourselves wanting to be more self sufficient in producing what we eat....especially when it tastes SO much better than the meat in the store! Just don't expect a steer to show up in our pasture, there are other farmers who are WAY better at that species for us to buy from!

I could spend hours retelling all of the fun adventures we have had this year, and as I face 2013, I will try to be more timely in doing that with all of you!  But for now, I will leave you with my Christmas wish for all of you.

 I wish for each of you to spend each day doing what you love with those whom you love. I wish for you to see the wonder of God's world around you in the birds of the air and the critters on the ground as you go through your everyday. I wish for your to always see God's blessings in even the most difficult of times, and that others see God in the blessings you bestow onto them. I wish for the Peace that surpasses your understanding and your circumstances to be ever present each day for you. I wish that you may always feel God's touch on your life. I wish for you to know that although I don't know each of you personally, that I appreciate the few moments you have taken to read my words and take a peek into this little life God has bestowed on me and my family. I hope it is as much of a blessing to you reading about it as it is to me living and writing about it.

God's Blessings to all of you!

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